Wish for good habits instead of luck: Make sleep a priority amidst busyness

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Academics, extracurricular activities, interpersonal relationships… I want to do it all, but everyone only has 24 hours in a day. What to do? If you are sleepy and unable to concentrate, please ask yourself with a caring attitude: “What was I doing last night at 11 p.m.?” I hope from tonight, everyone will answer: “What was I doing at 11? Sleep of course!” And keep this up.

Every day after sunset, a gentle voice in my mind reminds me: “Make sleep a priority amidst busyness.” More specifically, what does “priority” mean? Let’s say you have 24 dollars to spend every day, but you want to buy a lot of things. No matter what, you have to reserve 8 dollars to buy breakfast at the bakery. Any leftovers you can spend to buy other items. This way, you make your daily breakfast a priority.

During sleep, our brains eliminate toxins produced by metabolism. Lack of sleep can greatly impair emotional management and even cognitive functions, especially concentration. Putting sleep first is the wisest life choice. A sign of caring for yourself.

(Details of the story have been modified to protect patient privacy)

Written by: Dr. William Chui

Originally posted on: Hong Kong Association for AD/HD FB

Translated by: Cheuk Long Chan