These two years of pandemic are tiring, so I hereby share my seven steps to peace of mind: filter, settle, clarify, fathom, select, cultivate, and blo...
Find yourself in adversity
"Can I get a photo with you?" "I want to hug you in the photo! Is that okay?" The queue of people waiting to take a photo with Steve was so long that ...
Did my kids grow during the pandemic?
What hurts parents most about the suspension of classes is not that they have to continue paying tuition fees regardless, but that their children have...
After the pandemic, can I not get divorced?
When the pandemic is over, what is the first thing you want to do? I believe some people are thinking about getting a divorce immediately. They had a ...
Choose your spiritual food carefully
Not in good spirits during the current pandemic situation? No need to ask why. On the contrary, what is worthy of study is to understand how some peop...