Discussions surrounding special educational needs are often dominated by clinical terminology, standardized assessment, and educational policy....
Dietary fiber and child attention
It is important for children to be able to go to school happy and pay attention in class. Attention refers to the ability to fix the mind on one thing...
Wish for good habits instead of luck: A picture in the mind
To help yourself bring everything, a common method is to write down the items you want to bring one by one into a list. Then pack them one by one. In ...
Wish for good habits instead of luck: Complete a task with all your might
Concentration: Taking online classes, while answering text messages on the phone, and using one earphone to listen to podcasts. It is easy for us to h...
Wish for good habits instead of luck: Let go and look back, organize and categorize, store and locate
Let go and look back: The biggest harm in spending time looking for things is not the waste of time, but the frustration - "Things disappear without a...