The new school year is a challenge for both children and parents. Parents worry about their child being bullied excluded by peers or ignored by teache...
Utilize your kid’s artwork
How should parents deal with their kids' artwork they brought home from school? The ideal thing is to turn your home into an art exhibition hall, but ...
Let kids win before conception
Many parents hope that their children will win at the starting line. Where is the starting line? If life is a marathon, the starting line should be th...
Why kids dislike reading
Lisa, accompanied by her parents, had a follow-up consultation. Lisa is a primary school student. After two evaluations, the doctor determined that sh...
Did my kids grow during the pandemic?
What hurts parents most about the suspension of classes is not that they have to continue paying tuition fees regardless, but that their children have...
Only I did not realize
An elderly doctor, who had lowered his head to play with his mobile phone for a long period, finally developed neck and shoulder pain a week ago. To s...