To help yourself bring everything, a common method is to write down the items you want to bring one by one into a list. Then pack them one by one. In ...
Why kids dislike reading
Lisa, accompanied by her parents, had a follow-up consultation. Lisa is a primary school student. After two evaluations, the doctor determined that sh...
Did my kids grow during the pandemic?
What hurts parents most about the suspension of classes is not that they have to continue paying tuition fees regardless, but that their children have...
The blessing of living a life following your beliefs
At 11:50 p.m., the cups and plates were a mess. "It's rare that after twenty years of graduation, everyone can still sit around the table and drink al...
The deadly ambition
Ms. A works in a financial institution. After her marriage failed a few years ago, she focused 100% on her work and her career soared....
The pain of being a good kid
Kung failed to commit suicide and was sent to a psychiatric ward. The teachers and parents were shocked because he had always been a "good kid" with e...