Yong's left hand surgery was successful. He was transferred from the orthopedics department to the psychiatric ward. After two weeks of evaluation, th...
Dietary fiber and child attention
It is important for children to be able to go to school happy and pay attention in class. Attention refers to the ability to fix the mind on one thing...
Successful Elders
At Bao's age, it is inevitable to suffer from long-term illnesses. He had regurgitation of the heart valve, degeneration of the joints in his limbs, a...
What to do with back-to-school depression
The new school year is a challenge for both children and parents. Parents worry about their child being bullied excluded by peers or ignored by teache...
Wish for good habits instead of luck: Make sleep a priority amidst busyness
Academics, extracurricular activities, interpersonal relationships... I want to do it all, but everyone only has 24 hours in a day. What to do? If you...
Utilize your kid’s artwork
How should parents deal with their kids' artwork they brought home from school? The ideal thing is to turn your home into an art exhibition hall, but ...